Saturday, December 19, 2015

Your Life Begins Outside Of Your Comport Zone

Taking the leap to drop your entire life - Jobs - Friends - Family - Boyfriends - Everyday Life is an immensely difficult decision to make. For my people in there early 20's who I know personally; they can only dream of creating such an amazing new life for themselves. This is caused by very simple and yet complicated endless life decisions that are pressured upon most in there 20's.

For Example : You just graduated....CONGRATULATIONS! and my condolences... as you have now reached a stage in your life where you have a multitude of knowledge that you have slaved endlessly to acquire. Now time to apply that....if you can. The career options of college and university graduates seem to be very limited. Most graduates from Canada that I know, will come out of college with 20-120 thousand dollars of debt. This means you better find a job fast and you better make sure that job pays. But wait don't you need experience? Of course you do. The catch 22 of you need experience but you just graduated so "Can't you just give me a break? I'll start at the bottom if I have too". While this may work for some, the average college or university graduate will fight tooth an nail to make a dollar after graduating. Let alone find a solid full time job with an amazing prospect of advancement... in 10-20 years if your lucky.

The second stumbling block in your 20's - Housing, Time to buy your first pad! Sorry this might seem immensely daunting to the average 20 year old that just crawled out of there parents basement after dedicating 4 years of there life to a degree and seeing absolutely nothing but textbooks and essays for the length of there educational career. But its time to move out because lets face it your a college graduate, Get-Your-Shit-Together. One problem. Your broke, your student loan debt is knocking down your bank account payment after payment and maybe your lucky enough to own a car... good luck making those payments too while working part time at Starbucks waiting for your big break in the corporate world.

I know what your all thinking. Wow this girl is jaded-cynical-and fucking bang on. Sorry, Not Sorry.
Relationships - The killer of all 20 something ego/heart/soul. By your 20s you have probably racked up your share of heartbreak. Guess what. Its not over. Because after you graduate college. Tradition says you have to lock down that significant other asap. That house isn't going to pay for itself, and you cant just be the bachelor/bachelorette train wreck you were in college. It just isn't going to fly anymore. So the pressures on. Kids, Marriage. Commitment - Cherry on top of your Bewildered graduation high crashing in 3-2-1

Now this seems one sided. Some people are lucky. Great families lead to amazing support financially, mentally and a great relationship will only propel you that much further. But you have a lot of pressure on you and you better start making these decisions. Its your life after all.
But what if you didn't need to... Just yet. What if you just said...Fuck it for lack of a better term. Took off to find paradise.. adventure...and experiences of a lifetime... Welcome to Endless possibilities my friend...

Welcome to The Beached Blonde Abroad

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